A quick warning. This site may contain answers to your Zelda 64 questions you would prefer to find on your own.
This page was updated on: 02/11/99 7:48 a.m. central time
Ok one more thing. I am looking for anyone who believes they can improve our ranking on the search engines. Or anyone who has any idea how to ge Yahoo to add us. Your help would be greatly appreciated.
Show us what you think of this site by voting for it daily. On top of that there are some great links to other Zelda sites.Every vote brings more people and more questions. That helps us make this a better site for you. |
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Disclaimer: The Unofficial Zelda 64 Page is in no way affiliated with Nintendo of America. Some images found on this site are the property of Nintendo of America, and any image that is not are noted as such. We here at Unofficial Zelda 64 are not making any cash profits in anyway shape or form. This site is for information only. We are not responable for any misinformation or copyright infringements, if you think there is any inappropiate matterial on this site then e-mail your complaint to us and we will try to rectify the problem.
Ok we got another counter. The last one was always having problems so we changed it. And we have started the counter were that last one should have been.