Could the Triforce really be obtainable in Zelda 64. You be the judge.
Ariana Almandoz may be the first official Triforce finder in Zelda 64. We have been watching the progress of this case which has been unfolding on the Hyrule: The Land of Zelda.
Ariana has now provided three screen shots to try and prove she found the Triforce. She has also provided the steps to getting the Triforce, that is all but one of the steps. She has left out the most important step and claims to keep it a secret untill she is given full credit for the find. Here are the e-mails she has sent to Hyrule: The Land of Zelda. You be the Judge.
They are closing the case. Due to lack of evidence.
I've found it!!!! I found the triforce about a week ago and I
took the picture on Friday. But I will keep the secret because it
was hard for me to find it, but is was also great to find the
clue that lead me to it.
Please give me full credit for this, In about a month I will say
where it is and how to get it.
Falco X I love your site and have been a fan of it since the
beginnings thats why I'm sending this to you :-)
Ariana almandoz ( Kotake )"
[email protected]
Ok I'm sending the picture again, I have no idea why you couldn't
get it. I'm very nervous I really want to be the first official
triforce finder!!!
Please, give me the credits,this is real, If I can I'll try to
take more pictures.
Unfortunatelly my sister made a mistake and saved the game where
she shouldn't and now the only way to get the triforce again is
playing from the beginning.
Ariana A. from Colombia"
These were the first e-mails and here is the picture. This picture is from Hyrule: The Land of Zelda.
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This is the picture Ariana sent to Hyrule: The land of Zelda. You will notice that Link is a child. If this is a real picture taken from the game it will not change the storyline. In Zelda 64 Ganon does not get the Triforce of Power untill you open the seal by pulling out the Master Sword. So if you haven't pulled the sword out yet then Ganon wouldn't have the Triforce yet. Do you see where I'm going with this? It is possible to get the Triforce if this is the case. |
Once Ariana sent this to Hyrule: The Land of Zelda she began to get critacied by many people and she desided to send a few more e-mails to supprot her story.
"Ok, this is me Ariana,
First of all, I want to tell Falco-X that my email account will explode with emails!!! I didn't tell you to show it to the people. Ok, never mind.
As I can't answer every email I receive I will answer most of the questions in this, and other future emails.
Some people believe that I invented this to get fame. Ok I didn't invent anything, but I do want to be famous!!!
And I know I'm still the onlyone to find
the triforce because all the theories I have from other people
are false. It has nothing to do with the temple in the wasteland.
It has nothing to do with the gossip stones or dark-link in
Link's house!!! So stop saying nonsense!!! THATS
You need a new melody.
Its really simple but I don't want to
say anything else until everybody recognizes me as the one who
discovered it. If I reveal the secret, everybody will have the
knowledge I have. therefore It
wouldn't have any value for me.
I'll reveal how to get the triforce soon but not now.
and don't spam!!!! I will not answer most of the emails.
Ariana A.
:-) "
Hola Falco, soy yo Ariana.
Asi que hablas español tu tambien? pero mejor hablo en ingles
asi me entienden todos estos que se creen los verdaderos dueños
de la verdad.
First of all I want to say that I'm really upset with most of the people who think that the picture I took is a fake, some sort of photo composition or something like that.
Thats why because youre all losers, sorry to say this but you don't have the guts to go and find it for yourself, you need my help. And this guy that claims to have found it before me... C'mon boy, you just want me to reveal the secret. And I will never reveal it unless you treat me with the respect I deserve. I found it and I deserve something, maybe Nintendo should give me a prize or at least a disscount for the next game.
And you still believe that Dark Link has
something to do with this!!!! DARK LINK?
Something else... it is not DARUNIA, its RAURU the SAGE WHO KEPT
Unfortunatelly, Link opened the seal and Ganondorf entered the sacred realm....BUT.... if you can skip this step you can GET INSIDE THE TEMPLE OF LIGHT AND SEE THE TRIFORCE FLYING IN FRONT OF YOUR EYES.
STEP 1) first of all you should know
that KAEPORA GAEBORA is RAURU incarnated. The OWL is RAURU
helping you at the beginning of the game. If you want to know
from where I get this information go to the SACRED FOREST MEADOW
at the LOST WOODS and talk to the two GOSSIP STONES in there.
They don't say that RAURU is the OWL , but they suggests this
theory, and in fact RAURU IS KAEPORA GAEBORA.
Ok, now....
STEP 3) SOMEWEHERE, SOMETIME, KAEPORA GAEBORA ( that is RAURU) will teach you a song. A song that you MUST LEARN ( Like the Scarecrow song) , so write it down on a paper or try to remember it.
"THE OVERTURE OF SAGES" is called and goes like this
C(up) + C(down) + A + C(right) + C(left) + C(up)
OF COURSE, you MUST LEARN the song in the game , therefore nothing will happen if you play the OCARINA, so don't be fool and say that the melody doesn't work.
By the way, You will learn this melody when youre child. ( what else do you need?)
STEP 4) Ok, now this is pretty simple,
STAND IN FRONT OF THE MASTERSWORD ( don't get it please!!!!!! )
and play the "Overture of Sages"
STEP 5) Just watch the Cinema display showing Link travelling to the TEMPLE OF LIGHT. If you followed the story you'll see that this time you'll not be sealed inside the temple just as the regular way. And therefore Ganondorf will not be able to get the triforce because the SEAL IS STILL INTACT because you DIDN'T MOVE THE SWORD.
NEXT STEPS) RAURU will talk and talk about you, him, Hyrule, The triforce and so on. He will ask you if you want to see the sacred relic ( its very funny to see the different dialogues, so don't worry, say no, say yes.... eventually he will show it to you inside a dark room or something like that.
Rauru stands in front of you. The camera moves to an angle from behind Link. Rauru will move his arms and a hole will open in the ceiling. You'll see a light beam. The Room will turn blue. And one by one the triforces will come out from the hole and will get together. Then theres a rotation of the camera around the whole scene. You can even see the triforce from behind and inside the triangle that is formed you can see Link looking at it.
Then Link will move forward as if he
would like to touch it but Rauru will tell you that its not the
time for you to get it. So I'm sorry to dissapoint all of you but
Later Link will be returned to the Temple of Time and everything will be just as before, as if nothing had happened. So I'm sorry but , the mark among the medallions in the status screen is just that, a mark and will never hold the triforce icon in it because its only a decorative element. ( but IN FACT IT GIVES THE CLUE.... notice that the image with the medallions and the triforce in the quest status screen looks identical to the pedestal where the mastersword is kept)
So as you can see it was not that difficult. You don't need to do stupid and silly quests like exploding the gossip stones or talking to Dark Link... Or that GLITCH in the wasteland that everybody thinks is a temple!!!!!
BUT OF COURSE, I'm not telling the most important part... how to get the "Overture of Sages". Do you think I'm stupid? I'm sorry , this is my little secret and believe me, You'll suffer, you'll suffer a lot. ;-P
PS: Falco, the picture is real. I took the picture with a Kodak Gold film inside my room in complete darkness. Obviously I didn't use flash. ( I'm not stupid, I don't know how to use pictureshop or painter but I DO KNOW HOW TO TAKE A GOOD PICTURE!!!!)
And let me say something If you don't like Link's cap then go complain with Nintendo. Link is looking up to the triforce, the angle is different as the one in the actual game. Also, its not easy to take a picture to a screen, I was luky that its possible to see the triforce. I think I did a great job taking that picture. But if you need more, well give me sometime, I have to play the game again.
But as youre SOOOO smart, I'm sure that everybody will find it before I can take more pictures.
Gracias FalcoX por la oportunidad que me das, realmente te lo agradezco mucho, y gracias por creer en mi. No gracias, no quiero ser miembro del staff. A proposito tengo varios dibujos que quiero mandarles para el Fan art, asi que si me lo permites te los mando pronto ok?
Thanks and Din bless you all.
Ariana received hundreds of emails You can give your opinion,
you can believe or not, but one thing is sure, Ariana will
allways have the final word...and the pictures...
Its me Ariana again. Boys you can't imagine, I have hundreds of emails, I don't have time to read them all!
So don't expect any answer from me.
Ok you wanted them I'm sending them, two pictures I took yesterday. -(Note from the Editor: it was saturday 6 th)-
One is when Kaepora teaches you the song, the other is a shot from the entrance to the temple of light.
By the way sorry about this but I forgot
the step 6 the other day,after you travel you actually walk
through the temple of light after watching the first part of the
cinema but is really short. Its like a maze, not a big one but as
you don't have a map it turns to be a bit difficult.
Not big deal just follow the right way , find Rauru and watch the
next part of the sequence.
I'm not affraid of anyone, I have the
truth in my hands, therefore I have nothing to be affraid of.
I know this is true, I know I'm not a liar, I know I'm a woman, I
know I have something in my head , I know all these guys that
email me saying that I'm a liar are envious, I know, I know, I
****** Know how to see the triforce and I will prove all of you
that I was the first player ( W-O-M-A-N ) to find the sacred
I know I'm telling the truth and my friends also know that I have found it ( well they saw it in my video but I never told them how to it!!!)
Because I know this secret is gold REAL GOLD!!! and if Nintendo denies this is because they don't want this to be known, why? well I have no idea. but maybe they didn't want this to be known until they have sold all the copies they wanted.
see you next time babys.
Your friend/enemy
Ariana Almandoz, woman, 17, from Colombia (no boyfriend yet)
I'll send you a pictures of mine soon!!!
Tengan paciencia, ya les dije que les dire dentro de un mes!!!! ja ja ja!!!!!!!!!!!
_Ladies and
Gentlemen, I think the discussion is over...
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One picture from theTemple of Light, the
Temple of the legend, the Temple where Rauru is
protecting the Triforce. And a picture that doesn't need any sort of explanation. The Overture of Sages. I think she did it. |
Case Closed for now.
Well Hyrule The Land of Zelda is closing the case. It seems that Ariana can't explain the sword being on the wrong shoulder. And instead of just proving shes not a lier by sending the last step, she desides to go in hiding for a month. Up to this point I thought that there could be something, but with Ariana acting so definsive and not wanting to clear her name, well now I thing she may be lieing. Here are the last e-mails she sent.
These are the e-mails that were sent back inforth on Hyrule: The
Land of Zelda. This site has nothing to do with this story we are
only reproducing it here for you to read and discuss. We find
this to be the most interesting story on Zelda right now.
I wrote Ariana yesterday, and I asked her about the new
pictures. It was not an interview!!!
Falco-X: 1) Pretty amazing Ariana, your new pictures kicks serious butts. The one of the Temple of light is the most incredible screenshot I have ever seen. And the other, the one of the Overture of Sages looks convincing, except for one thing. I noticed that the sword is is in the right side, not in the left as it is supposed to be. So Ariana, how can you possibly explain that?
Ariana: 1) You know, when I received your email I thought you were crazy or something like that. I also thought that you inverted the picture by mistake before putting it in the site. But obviously this is not the case, I looked at the picture again and you're right, The sword is in the right shoulder. Why? well I know nobody will believe my words but, I have no idea. I can't explain that.
Falco-X: 2) Ariana, what do you want? an Oscar to the best performance? Maybe for best special effects?
Ariana: 2) I know, nobody will
believe me. They say the first picture is a fake, now the third
picture I sent looks inverted, I also said that the Owl is Rauru
incarnated when in fact, it says it's a reincarnation. Ok,ok....
Now, I can't explain these things, I just took the pictures thats
all. If the sword appears in his right side is not my fault. I
think about this and I can't even believe myself!!!.
I don't know, for some reason something is not right here, maybe
it was a glitch, maybe the song has some weird effects on Link
that I couldn't figure out before.I Don t know Falco. Now
everybody will think I'm a liar. THis is making me mad sorry. I
think I'll dissapear from the net for some time, I don't' want to
receive more emails, I just dont care if people think I'm the
first to find the (#####) triforce or I'm a liar, now its the
same for me, and I'm sorry Falco-X but I think this will be the
last time you'll all hear about me. I feel bad, for some reason.
Falco-X: 3) Why ( if your story is real) would you like to keep it in secret ?
Ariana: 3) I keep the story in
secret because its the first time that something like this
happened to me. But now, I guess I have no choice but to reveal
all the steps right? WRONG.
I feel terrible. Now, this goes for all the people that claims to
have found the trifore before me. Go ahead, reveal YOUR secret, I
don't want to be known anymore.
I will not reveal anything else, I'm upset. Maybe in one month I will come back and tell the people what I know unless an hearthquake kills me first!!!!
And please don't write anymore, I will not read my yahoo account. I have another, and this is over until I decide to come back.
After reading her answers he decided to write her again and he asked a few more things.
Falco-X:1) Ariana, you know that now you can only show the world that you're not a liar if you reveal the secret. Are you aware of that? What will you do?
Ariana: 1)I know that my only way out is to tell all the steps, to reveal the secret and show the people that I've found it. Then they would be able to see that these "mistakes" are from the game, not from the pictures. Yes I will reveal all the steps. But as I said before I will tell you in a month, not before.
Falco-X:2) Now I just want to know why you don't go to other sites? Why did you choose "Hyrule:TLoZ" and not the official site or other popular Zelda site. I mean, why don't you go out there and give your story to everybody?
Ariana: 2) I said that I've been a fan of your site since the beginning. I like the staff and I knew you would treat me with respect (except for Wolfhang who has always been very proud of himself).
And that brings us up to date. At this point I don't know what to say. She just made herself sound like a big a** lier. If you would like to see more of the story and get Hyrule: the Land of Zelda's opinion you can visit there site. All the information we have presented here was provided by and is the property of Hyrule: The Land of Zelda.
If you have any opinions of your own we will post them here. If we have any new news we will also post them here. So check back often to see if the truth is revealed.
Unofficial Zelda 64 Page.
Viewers Opinions
I noticed on the main page of your web site you have some news on someone who supposedly "found" the triforce. Well, here I am to prove it wrong! I hope it is ok if I post some images on your message board, if it isn't, then you can always delete this message. This is their image, which I am sure is a fake:
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Here is a screen shot I took myself that I will use to compare:
Here's my reasoning that the first image is a
First of all, look at Link's hat in the fake image, it ends near
the middle of the shield. Not true normally, it's not that long.
Secondly, compare the two shields. In my screen shot, the top
right corner is sharply pointed. It's rounded off in their image!
And then if that's not enough, Link has no ears in their image!
What's up with that?
Now if you notice, Navi is in the exact same position in both
images. Now look at her wings. They're shaped incorrectly in
their image.
In their image, the bottom of Links tunic looks similar to a
skirt, in my screen shot it looks more like a pair of shorts.
Well, there's one more rumor proven false. If you don't believe
me, turn your own game on and use that to compare.