Water Temple
Required Items:
Fairy Bow
Iron Boots
Not Required But Helpful Items:
Zora Tunic
Din’s Fire
Bottled Fairy
Megaton Hammer
Items Retrievable in this area:
Dungeon Map: Water Temple
Compass: Water Temple
Small Key X6
Boss Key: Morpha
Gold Skulltullas:
Nearest Warp Point:
Serenade of Water Warp Point
Entering the Water Temple:
At the Serenade of Water Warp Point in Lake
Hylia, drop down with the iron boot to the bottom of the lake.
Walk around the warp point’s island until you see a gate.
Use your hookshot to hit the switch on top of the gate, then
Personal Notes:
This is probably the most difficult dungeon
in the game. You find your self constantly changing your footwear
and changing the water level. This is annoying, but crucial. So
just bear along, and you eventually beat it.
Steps to beating the Water Temple:
- (No Retrievable Items): Upon entering, switch to the
Kokiri Boots and swim to the passage on the east (right)
side, upper level. This step is crucial as it can make
this level like hell later on if you forget it. Go into
the passage and use the Iron Boots to drop down into the
water-filled hole. Find the block in the hole, pull it
back as far you can, then leave the way you came.
- (Compass): The passage right under the one you’re in
contains the compass. So, switch to the Iron Boots and
drop down a little below the east side, center level, and
then switch back to the Kokiri Boots and swim on into the
passage. Upon entering the passage, switch back to the
Iron Boots. The only weapon you can use underwater is the
hookshot. Use it to kill the stingers in the hallway.
After you kill the stingers, use the hookshot to get
across the spikes, then use the hookshot to get into the
room above the ledge. In the room above, get next to the
geyser, then use your hookshot or bow to hit the switch
and get the compass out of the chest. Now leave the way
you came.
- (No Retrievable Items): You’ll need to drop down to
the room below again. The entrance to the east side,
lower level room has two unlit torches next to it. Enter
it and you’ll meet Ruto. She more mature now, but
still has that stupid crush on Link. Follow her up to the
top, and play Zelda’s Lullaby at the triforce symbol
in this room to lower the water level. Then, head to the
door on the opposite wall.
- (Dungeon Map): This room has Spike Balls in it. Kill them
with your hookshot and grab the dungeon map, then leave
and drop down to the room where you met Ruto.
- (Small Key): Now that the water is gone, the torch in
this room burning. There are two unlit braziers in the
corner, and a barred door in the middle. You need to
light the braziers. You can be a simpleton and use Din’s
Fire or you can be really cool and shoot an arrow through
the torch at the braziers. Either way, when you light the
braziers the barred door will open. The next room has
Shell Blades. Use your shield to dodge their attacks and
your hookshot to kill them. Then, grab the key and leave.
- (Small Key): Now, leave and head to the west side, lower
level. Push the block in the passage until it drops down
a hole. Then, jump down after it and swim through the
passage. The room you arrive at has
a wall-to-wall pit in the middle and a tektite on the
other end, so pick it off with your bow. Then hit the
switch with your sword; jump across to the other end
using the geyser. At the other ender, go through the
door. In the next room, get in the water and float until
you’re on top of the part of the dragon against the
wall and switch to the Iron Boots. When you land on the
dragon’s body, get to the point that you in range of
the hookshot target in the passage on the right. In that
passage, get on the outer left corner and hookshot the
switch in the dragon’s mouth. Then, rush to the end
of the passage you’re in and get past the gate
before it closes. Float to the top and grab the key.
Leave the way you came.
- (Gold Skulltulla): Go to the south side, lower level and
enter the passage. Get through the underwater passage and
hit the switch in the resulting room. Get on the next
passage and hookshot to the target. Deal with the
tektites at this level. Now get to the gate with the gold
skulltulla behind it. In order to open the gate use a
spin attack with your sword to hit the switch on the
other side of the gate. Grab the skulltulla and leave the
way you came.
- (No Retrievable Items): Go to the center, lower level and
use a small key to open the door. Inside, use your
hookshot to get to the center level in this room. Then,
find the triforce mark and raise the water level to the
center. After that, use your Iron Boots to sink to the
bottom of this room, but watch out for the spikes. You’ll
find a piece of the floor, one of the floating platforms,
floated out. This now allows you to drop down into the
hole it was hiding.
- (Small Key): In the room you arrive at, there is a switch
in the corner. Use your hookshot to hit it from the
distance. Then, kill the enemies that drop out of a
ceiling gate. When there gone, float up to the next gate
that opens and blow up the wall in the area you arrive
at.and grab the small key. Then, go back to the center
room with the center level water switch and exit through
the center level.
- (Small Key): Drop down to the bottom and go to the room
where you met Ruto (east side, lower lever). Float to the
center level and blow up the now accessible wall and grab
the third small key. Leave the way you came.
- (No Retrievable Items): Go to the platform on the center
level surrounding the center column. Go around and
hookshot to the room on the west side, center level and
use a small key to enter. In the room arrive at, get on
the geyser and them move back. A tektite will drop out,
so kill it. Then, get back on the geyser and use your
hookshot to hit the switch, which will take you up. At
the top, you’ll find a door. Exit through it and you’ll
find the last water switch. Play the Zelda’s Lullaby
to bring the water back to the top. Jump out of the
alcove your in and swim to the locked door on the left.
- (No Retrievable Items): This room has a gold skulltulla
and a bunch of sinking platforms. Ignore the skulltulla
for now. Use your hookshot to get across the sinking
platforms to the other side of the room and got through
the door. Use your bow to pick of the tektites in this
room. Then, hit the switch with your hookshot. The switch
will raise the water level, which will raise the
dragonheads. When the water is up, your hookshot to get
across to the first platfrom, then hit the switch to
lower the water again. When the water has lowered, use
the hookshot to get across to the target next to the
second dragon. Climb over the head and hit the switch
again. Hit the target on the final dragonhead. Hit the
switch to lower the head yet again, get on the head, and
hit the switch one more time to raise you to the ledge
above. Take out the tektites and the Lik Like and exit
the room.
- (Longshot): In the next room, you’ll find a tree in
the center. Turn your back on the tree and face again to
find Shadow Link. You can beat him using cheap tecniques
with the Megaton Hammer or Din’s Fire. If you don’t
have those or are having trouble with those, just don’t
Z-target and loop around and use your sword. When you’ve
defeated him, you can enter the small room in the north
and get one of the coolest items in the game. The
longshot! Now, play the Song of Time at the block behind
the chest and drop down.
- (Small Key, Gold Skulltulla): You’ll be at a river
like area. Use a combination of swimming in Kokiri boots
and walking in Iron Boots to get through. Make sure you
grab the Gold Skulltulla on the wall in the river area.
Pull yourself onto the platform at the end, and hit the
eye switch on the wall with your bow. That drops a chest
with a small key that can be used as a Longshot target to
get across. Grab the Key and exit.
- (Gold Skulltulla): You’ll find yourself in a room
you were at earlier. Exit and then go lower the water
level back to the bottom. Then, go to the center room and
bring the water level to the middle. While your there,
grab the gold skulltulla at the top.
- (Small Key): Go around the platform, center level, to the
south. Face the passage, hit the eye switch, then
longshot across. Go through and find the block from step
one. Push it as far as you can and grab the key in the
room on the right.
- (Gold Skulltulla): Go back to the room with the sliding
platforms. Grab the skulltulla and then proceed to rasing
the water level to the top. This will be the last time
you have to change the water level.
- (No Retrievable Items): Go to the north side, lower
level. It will take you to a room in which you need to
longshot to get across the floor. The next room has
boulders, whirlpools, and tektites (oh my!). Get across
to the other side and go through the door. In the next
room, use your bow to take out all the stingers, then
drop down to the bottom. One side has a complete ledge,
and the other has two ledges. Blow up the walls on the
south side of the room one each of the southern ledge
parts. Then go through the passage and push the block out
to the side with two ledges. Push it down to the space in
between and the water level will rise to the top,
allowing you to access another area. Get through the
- (Gold Skulltulla, Boss Key): Get across the geysers in
the next room. Make sure you have enough time to get
across and through the door. In the next area, wait until
a boulder rolls by and then nab the skulltulla on the
right wall. Then, when the next boulder rolls by, drop
down the hole on the right and grab the boss key. After
that, head back to the main area.
- (No Retrievable Items): Go to the north side, upper
level. Use the Longshot to get across, then go through
the door. You’re now at the antechamber. Read the
Bosses Guide for further instructions.