Ok here is an illustation of the Gerudo
Training Grounds drawn by J.D. of The Unofficial Z64 Page. It
took a while to do so please don't just take it with out giving
us some credit for it. Details are at the bottom.

- Defeat the two Stalfos two get the first key.
- Dodge the rolling boulders and the curtains of flame to
collect the 5 silver rupees with in the time limit. Make
sure to keep an eye on the cieling for Hookshot Holds.
- Defeat the Wolfos and use your Lens of truth to see the
high Hookshot Hold to exit.
- You will need the Silver Gauntlets to enter this room
from room 3.
- you must shoot the four eyes on the revolving ring with
your arrows for the hidden key to reveal itself.
- Use your Magaton Hammer to find the switch under one of
the Totems.
- Hop from stone to stone to get the 5 silver rupees, and
play the "Song of Time" to expose a hidden
block to help get the key.
- Defeat the Dinalfos and blow up the Beamos in the time
given to get this key.
- Enter this room and take a left. Once you are through the
first gate use your Lens of Truth to find the hidden
opening on the ceiling and another key. Then climb back
down and proceed through the gates to the Ice Arrows
We hope this will be helpful.